Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Hi Everyone!

Here is a great, fun, and easy opportunity for you to help with our adoption fundraising!

Carol McKinney who is a professional quilter and a special friend to us, has graciously made a beautiful hand-made quilt for us to raffle off in hopes to raise some money for our adoption.

The quilt is a twin size and is covered with bright colors and circus animal patterns! This would be great for any boy or girl!

For your chance to win this amazing prize, you can purchase a raffle ticket for just $1 or 6 tickets for $5. The drawing will be held at our yard sale fundraiser on Saturday, September 20. *You do not have to be present to win.

How to purchase a ticket:
See Megan Smith or Carol McKinney.


Purchase a ticket(s) using our online giving site HERE.
  • Click the "Give Now" button.
  • Designate the amount  (there is a $2 minimum with this site)
  • Enter your name, email, and in the "Message" box, please specify that you are giving towards the quilt raffle. (We will be alerted and will fill out a raffle ticket(s) for you)
  • Continue filling out card information. 
We hope that this raffle can raise some money to help us to finish up our dossier (paperwork) and get it sent to Ethiopia!

Please share with your friends and family!


Ryan and Megan Smith

Monday, August 18, 2014

Our Building Runneth Over...

Hi Everyone!

Hope you all have had a wondeful summer! Ours has been super busy which is why it seems like forever since our last blog post.

First, we want to say a big "THANK YOU" to everyone who donated their used items to go towards our Yard Sale Fundraisers. It has been amazing to see all of this stuff come in! 

When we began collecting items for the yard sale, we had no idea how many donations we would get. Since April, over 70 people have donated their used furniture, clothes, home goods, toys, books, etc. You name it, it was donated! This has been such a blessing to us!

We do have to report that we are now completely full and have to end our Yard Sale Collection. Our 2-car garage building is now busting at the seams and we just don't have anymore space to store items.  
*Thank you to those who were planning on donating, but please pass along your items to others in need.

But don't worry, we have TWICE as much stuff as we had at our first sale! It will be HUGE!

For those of you who are interested, there are still other ways that you can help.

  • TABLES: We are going to need LOTS of folding tables for the sale. If you have a table that we could borrow, and could drop it by our house on Friday, September 19, that would be so helpful. 
  • SETUP VOLUNTEERS: We will need many volunteers on Friday, September 19 in the afternoon and evening to help unpack boxes, set up tables, and get things ready for the sale.
  • SALE VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers are also needed on Saturday, September 20 from 7am-3pm to help during the actual yard sale. We will need strong guys to carry tables out into the yard, people at different spots helping shoppers, money takers, food servers, and floaters.
  • BAKE SALE: Our plan is to sell baked goods at the yard sale. Any bakers that would like to whip up some yummy treats?? We will also need someone to run this table!
  • RAFFLES: We will selling raffle tickets for some great prizes donated by wonderful independent sales people. We could use a few more prizes as well as someone to run this table!
  • COFFEE & DOUGHNUTS: This was a big hit at our first sale for those early birds. We need a couple people to provide coffee and doughnuts and work the table! 
  • PRAYER: We need everyone to start praying for this fundraiser. Pray that God will provide volunteers and shoppers and that there will be NO rain! 
 If you would be interested in serving in any of the areas listed above, please contact Megan at
"Christians have a clear command to care for orphans, and there are many ways to get involved—praying, giving, mobilizing your church or adopting."

*Adoption Process Update
We just received our approved Home Study in the mail today. It now has to be sent to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to be approved. This is the last step before our paperwork can be submitted. Please pray for a quick process with the USCIS. :)