Sunday, February 23, 2014

How our blog got its name!

You may be wondering where the title of our blog, Let Faith Arise came from and how it relates to us. This phrase is one that Megan and I will cling to throughout this journey. It comes from a Chris Tomlin song titled "I Lift My Hands" (video posted below). The day we were approved to begin the adoption process we discussed starting a blog to document our experience and to allow others to join in with us. This day was extremely exciting as the Lord had answered a prayer, yet scary and nerve-wracking at the same time. We were in it for good, and the reality started to set in throughout the day for both Megan and myself. Satan began attacking us by causing doubt to creep in. We began playing the "what if" game. That night we were scheduled to have dinner with a family from America World (our adoption agency). Again, something that was exciting, yet Satan began to attack more aggressively. Around 5:30 that evening more doubt started to creep in. What had we got ourselves into? How will we afford this? How long is the process going to take? How will people take the news? How was the dinner going to go?  Lol. As humans, we are just nuts sometimes. The Lord clearly answers prayers and an hour later we turn around and start doubting Him. He doesn't want to make life miserable for us. He cares deeply for us and longs to give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4). Those desires should be whatever He desires since His thoughts and ways are far above ours (Isaiah 55:9).

 So, we regrouped. We discussed briefly (or else we'd be late to dinner) how the Lord had answered prayer after prayer after prayer throughout the past two months. We discussed that He had confirmed in so many ways that this was a risk He wanted us to take. Our faith was "down in the dumps" so to speak. It was lacking in so many ways. We had to allow our faith to arise, believe again and quit doubting, and remember God's promises. Remember that He is there for us. Remember that He is our refuge and strength. Remember that we can pour our heart out to Him and that He is faithful forever. We then prayed and gave everything to the Lord.....again.

On our way to the dinner we were discussing names for our blog. We had a Christian mix CD on in the background and Chris Tomlin's "I Lift My Hands" ironically came on. As he continues to belt out "Let Faith Arise! Let Faith Arise!" Megan says light-heartedly, "What about Let Faith Arise?'" The more I listened, the more I thought, "This is pretty good." The lyrics fit perfectly for this emotional roller coaster we are planning to face. Many highs and lows are to come, but through it all, our faith must not waver (James 1:6). Although it has only been a couple of months, we have experienced right many ups and downs. We have both learned that it's not fun when things don't work out. We want a nice little walk in the park, but that's not how Christ works. He has already allowed some downs in this experience, and through them, while not very fun, our faith has been strengthened. We do understand there could be several more "downs," and that, at times, things that are happening may not make a lot of sense. We must "let faith arise" and trust the God who holds the world in His hands. As the Lord rhetorically asked Abraham in Genesis 18:14, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?", so must we ask ourselves that same, exact question.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How It All Began...

If you had asked Ryan and I a few months ago if we were ready to start a family, we would have laughed and told you that we were not quite there yet. With Ryan still in graduate school and having only been married 2 years, we were still enjoying our newly married life with just the two of us (plus our 2 crazy pups). Ryan and I both wanted kids in the future but hadn't planned on it anytime soon. So I guess you may be wondering now, why on Earth have we decided to adopt from ETHIOPIA?!?!

Well here is how our journey of faith began...

It was a regular Sunday in December (December 8th to be exact) and we were headed home after church. We were driving down the highway talking about random things when it happened. I can't even remember what we were talking about, but the topic of adoption was brought up for the first time. Keep in mind, I have never seriously thought about wanting to adopt and neither had Ryan, so this was a very "out of the ordinary" conversation. We began talking about kids and our future and I "jokingly" said how I've always wanted to adopt an African child. Much to my surprise, Ryan AGREED with me (which he never does)! He said that he thought the same. Well by this point, I am thinking that we are just being silly and messing around, so I said "Yeah, well I would want 2 brothers so that they could have a friend." Again, much to my surprise, Ryan said "That's crazy, I had the same thought about brothers!" Okay, by this point we are laughing at each other because this conversation seems crazy and so far fetched for us. I mean, we haven't even tried to have biological children yet, and here we are talking about adopting 2 African boys. Pure craziness!

We got home and went on about our day. Everything was back to normal until we both found ourselves restless that evening. God was speaking to us and it was crazy feeling! I can't lie, I was TERRIFIED! I mean it's not everyday that God says to you "Hey Megan, I need you and Ryan to go adopt 2 African kids"!?! Ryan and I both were shocked and so we sat at our kitchen table and we prayed. We just asked God to simply show us what to do.

Weeks went by and adoption was still on minds and hearts. We prayed, talked, researched, emailed and did everything we could to become educated on the orphan crisis in the world and how the adoption process works. It is truly amazing to read and watch stories of so many families that take in precious children all over the world!

Finally after meeting with pastors, family, and friends who had been through the process, we began to sense God was telling us to go for it. Now, that is easier said than done. Not only do you have to consider the GIGANTIC cost factor, you have to think about all the work it will take to become parents to orphans, especially older children. We prayed and prayed and prayed that God would confirm it to us somehow.

He didn't waste much time. Our answer was confirmed the very next day at church with a sermon about taking a risk, being faithful, and doing what God has called you to do, even if it is scary. God even confirmed the country we had chosen when this scripture was used in the sermon.

As for Philip, an angel of the Lord said to him, “Go south down the desert road that runs from Jerusalem to Gaza.” So he started out, and he met the treasurer of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under the Kandake, the queen of Ethiopia. The eunuch had gone to Jerusalem to worship. Acts 8:26-27

You can listen to the sermon here.

After this and several other "God" moments kept happening, we decided to apply for adoption with America World Adoption Agency. This Christian based agency came highly recommended and we felt very comfortable in our choice to go with them. 

About 10 days later, we were approved to begin our adoption process in the Ethiopia program!

We have a very LONG road ahead of us emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and financially. What we need the most is everyone's PRAYERS! We are excited, happy, scared, nervous, anxious, and so much more, but we feel confident knowing that God has called us to do this big thing and that He will see us through.

Thanks for taking the time to read about our journey and please check back for updates. 

Love, Ryan and Megan