About Us

We are Ryan & Megan Smith. We will have been married almost 5 years this October. We were both born and raised in Greensboro, NC and still reside in Greensboro with our 2 pups. We have chosen to start a family by way of adoption instead of the "normal" way of having biological children first. We have been so blessed by this decision and have been able to witness God's fingerprints all over this process. We are currently working towards our 3rd year of being in this adoption process (started in March 2014) and are now waiting to pass court in India so that we can go get our little girl! 

Here are 10 things you may not know about us..... 

Ryan - 
  • 31 yrs. old 
  • Middle child 
  • UNCG graduate (bachelors) and PIU graduate (masters)
  • currently the College Pastor at Lawndale Baptist Church
  • Favorite activities are reading, watching sports, and spending time with his family, friends and college students! 
  • LOVES candy - Dots are his favorite
  • HATES cheetos - can't even look at them lol 
  • Enjoys all things sports.
  • BIG Tarheels, Redskins, & Red Sox fan
  • Worked for Terminix Pest Control for 5 years, so knows too much about bugs! 

Megan -
  • 27 yrs. old
  • Only child & grandchild 
  • UNCG graduate 
  • works as a ministry assistant at Lawndale Baptist Church
  • Serves with Ryan in the Lawndale College Ministry 
  • LOVES bread of all kinds
  • Favorite activities are party planning, running, going to the lake, being with family & friends, and projects around the house!
  • Disney FANATIC! 
  • married to a sports fanatic & has no interest in sports, whatsoever :) 
  • was already a Smith before marrying one
We always say, "we are complete opposites, but we love each other." HaHa But the one thing we do have in common  is our love for Jesus. When we met and were dating, neither of us would have thought we would be a) adopting or b) working in full-time ministry, but we are so blessed by where the Lord has brought us and we are thankful and amazed at how He continues to provide for all of our needs. Thank you for sharing in this journey with us! We are just ordinary people who want to give a child a forever family because that is what Christ has done for us. #adoptionisthegospel 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Megan. Not sure if you'll get this or not. M and I were looking through old photos and videos and wondered how you're doing. Didn't see you on socials. Thinking of you.


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