Tuesday, March 8, 2016

While we wait......

The Not So Good News: It seems like an eternity since we sent our dossier over to India because these last 4 months have just CREPT by. We continue to wait for our NOC to be issued by the committee in India so we can move to the next step in the process. This NOC wait is estimated to take 3-9 months. With several families receiving their NOC this week, it has been hard, but we are hopeful that ours is just around the corner. I will say, that it is very difficult to pray each day for something that you have no control over and that hasn't "come true" yet. My faith is being tested and I have to continue to tell myself, "trust in the Lord." And while it may not be fun or easy, this wait is definitely bringing me closer to Him.

The Good News: As these 4 months have been very long and difficult, we were sent some JOY the other week that helped tide us over. We received some new pictures and videos of our sweet girl. And while I cannot share due to confidentiality, let me just say, she is absolutely gorgeous, precious, happy, and full of personality. Y'all are going to be in for a treat when you see her! The phrase is so true, "a picture says a thousand words." As we stared at her and went through these pics over and over and over, we could see her personality, her joy, her playful side, her laugh. It was so amazing, but then also heart wrenching at the same time. But, I am able to rest easy knowing that she is in a good place where she is clothed, fed, and treated well. However, she is still an orphan right now and that is killing us!

So with all that, friends, please keep praying. Please pray for God to move mountains, to break the barriers that are keeping us from getting our NOC and to help us get through the final stages quickly. That is all we can do now, so your prayers are very much needed and appreciated!

And while I'm on here.....

We have finished our new India t-shirt design! This t-shirt is a 100% cotton "Comfort Colors" shirt. Comfort colors are pre-shrunk, 100% ringspun cotton. They are very soft with a more washed look (similar to the Life Is Good shirts). We are offering 3 colors (Blue Jean, Seafoam, and Crimson) for adults and 2 colors (Seafoam & Lavendar) for children. PREORDER YOURS TODAY! Once we receive at least 15 pre-orders, we can order the shirts! Cost is $20 per shirt for adults and $10 per shirt for children. This is a fun and easy way to help us fundraise while not only getting a comfy shirt, but also spreading adoption awareness while you wear it!

Check out the pics below and go HERE to pre-order & pay for your shirt (you will click "donate here" to pay and there is a space for comments-Please list your name, email, and sizes and colors of t-shirts needed). If you would rather pay me in person, shoot me an email  with your order and I will get the money from you when I see you!
color: seafoam (available in adult S-XXL and child's sizes)
color: blue jean (available in adult S-XXL)
color: crimson (available in adult S-XXL)
color: lavendar (available in child's sizes)

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