Friday, March 18, 2016


Last week I posted about how we were struggling with the wait for our NOC approval. Well our prayers were answered and we received the news of our approval last Friday! We now have our NOC (NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE) to adopt our little girl! The wait time for this was estimated to be 3-9 months, and we waited 4. We are so thankful that the Lord guided us through that time and allowed us to receive the approval quickly!! Thanks for praying y'all!

What's next.....

We begin the court process (last step before travel). 

"The purpose of the court process is for the judge to legally finalize the adoption and confirm the adoptive parents as the legal guardians." This process is estimated to take 3-6 months. "In most cases, there will be several court hearings where the judge conducts a preliminary review of the case and orders the court social worker to visit the orphanage and check the child's file. The social worker will prepare a report that will be given back to the court for the judge to review. Most judges will not rule on the case immediately following the review but will instead schedule another court date. At that final hearing the judge will approve the adoption." We will hear from our orphanage once there is a "verbal approval." While the court documents are being finalized, the orphanage will apply for K's passport. Once the passport and court docs are received, we can GO GET HER!

Now that we have our NOC, we have the privilege of making a photo book for K filled with pictures of us, our home, our pets, family, etc. The orphanage that she is at will decide when the right time is to show it to her and tell her that she has a new family! This is such a bittersweet time because we are so excited that she will now know that she has parents, but at the same time, it's hard because we are not able to be with her yet. We pray she is filled with joy and peace as she looks at it. :)

Also, since we have the NOC, we are going to begin working on her room! This means lavender paint, girly things, and elephants galore! So fun!!

We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, so please continue praying with us!!!

Ryan & Megan 

1 comment:

  1. Although not international, I have been where you are praying for your child that God has picked but yet your are not together and it is bittersweet. You have our prayers.


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