Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The countdown continues....

Hey guys - A couple of quick updates.

  • A little over a month ago we received our NOC (no objection certificate) which moved us into the final stage which is the "court stage." We were given the timeline of 3-6 months for this and we keep praying that it will not be any longer than that. The state of Uttar Pradesh in which K is in, does not have a good reputation for moving cases quickly, so we are a little worried that there will be some delays. This final stage is not easy for my OCD self as I'm checking the India court website daily to see if our case shows up. I have to remind myself that it will happen in God's perfect timing....but its so so hard. So- be praying daily for court to move quickly, pretty please! 
  • We had our pictures made for K's photo book that we get to make and send to her. We are finishing up putting that together and it should make its way to India by May. We are really excited about this since this will be the first time she is "introduced" to her new family. We had a lot of fun with these pics and couldn't have done it without our family and the super fabulous Courtney Paige Photography aka my best friend/sister. Y'all go check her out here. 
  • We haven't made much progress on getting K's room ready since we have been super busy with end-of-school year stuff, but hope to knock that out in May. :) 
  • And lastly, our India t-shirts that some of you purchased were sent to us with a small mistake, so they had to re-print them all and ship new ones to us. They have finally made it here and I will be sorting all the shirts and delivering them this week and next. We have some extras, so I will post specifics on how to order those very soon!
I know it seems like our adoption process has been the longest wait in human history, but we want you all to know how so very thankful we are that all of you are still supporting us and praying for us since we began this journey in 2014. It means so much and I look forward to the day when I get to flood your emails and news-feeds with pictures of our sweet girl in our arms. Keep praying - I know I say that a lot - but prayer works y'all! :)

If you didn't get a t-shirt but want to help be a part of bringing K home, you can visit our online donation site here. We still have about $12,000 in travel costs to raise/save! 

Ryan & Megan 

p.s. here are some pics for our photo book! 

1 comment:

  1. The pictures made me cry! I am so happy for you and even more happy for sweet little K. My Shweta still does not fully get the geography of things but knows that her friend is going to be fairly close and is excited that she has a family.


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