Wednesday, September 17, 2014


The week is finally here....

We are all ready for our BIG Yard Sale Fundraiser and have TONS of great things for sale. Please stop by on Saturday from 8am-2pm on Bancroft Rd. in Greensboro. Not only will we have great deals on items, there will be doughnuts, coffee, hot dogs, drinks, t-shirts, and raffle tickets for sale! All proceeds go towards our Ethiopian Adoption Fund! Help us spread the word by by sharing this flyer with friends & family. We hope to see you there!

Friday, September 5, 2014

2 Weeks 'Til Our BIG YARD SALE Fundraiser!!!

Hi Everyone,

We are TWO weeks away from our BIG Yard Sale Fundraiser on Saturday, September 20 and we need your help!

We have a building FULL of stuff and we would like everyone's help in promoting this by telling friends & family about the sale! 

Volunteers are needed if you are interested in helping!

We need help with the following:

  • TABLES: We are going to need LOTS of folding tables for the sale. If you have a table that we could borrow, and could drop it by our house on Friday, September 19, that would be so helpful. *If you can't drop off, let us know and we will come pick up tables.
  • SETUP VOLUNTEERS: We will need many volunteers on Friday, September 19 in the afternoon and evening to help unpack boxes, set up tables, and get things ready for the sale.
  • SALE VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers are also needed on Saturday, September 20 from 7am-3pm to help during the actual yard sale. We will need strong guys to carry tables out into the yard, people at different spots helping shoppers, money takers, food servers, and floaters.
  • RAFFLES: We will selling raffle tickets for some great prizes donated by wonderful independent sales people. We could use a few more prizes as well as someone to run this table!
  • COFFEE & DOUGHNUTS: This was a big hit at our first sale for those early birds. We need a couple people to provide coffee and doughnuts and work the table! 
  • PRAYER: We need everyone to start praying for this fundraiser. Pray that God will provide volunteers and shoppers and that there will be NO rain! 
 If you would be interested in serving in any of the areas listed above, please contact Megan Smith at

 Thank You All for your support and prayers!
Ryan and Megan Smith