Monday, May 2, 2016

We Have a Court Date!!!

Very exciting news came today!!!

After daily court-stalking, our case has finally showed up!! We were registered this past Saturday with our first hearing on July 11 (court in India)!!!!!!!!!! Please please please pray that we pass in 1 hearing! It is very uncommon {in the state that she is in}, for court to only have 1 hearing, so we are preparing ourselves for several. BUT God can do whatever He wants to do and we are praying for a miracle that this judge will pass it the 1st time! Mark July 11 down in your calendars and be praying with us! Once our case passes, we are SO close to going to India and bringing our sweet girl home!!!!

If you would like to join in on the fun of helping bring K home, you can visit our online donation site here. We still have about $12,000 in travel costs to raise/save! And looks like we may be travelling sooner than later! YIPPEE!!! Let the craziness begin! :)