Thursday, February 16, 2017

Written Court Orders Received!!!

Written court orders came yesterday, Feb. 15 (took 9 days)! This means the next and FINAL step of our adoption journey is here! We now wait for her orphanage director to apply for her passport. Once they receive it (1-2 months estimated time), we get to catch that plane to India!!!!

#mygodisfaithful #3longyearscomingtoanend #imnotsadaboutit #prayingaprilwillbeourmonth
And as always, please keep #praying4k 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

"Is anything too hard for the LORD?"

"Is anything too hard for the LORD?" {Gen. 18:14} The answer is no.

9 months stuck in court, 2 judges, numerous court hearings, silence & waiting AND floods of prayers later .......... WE HAVE PASSED COURT!!!!!! The judge gave us verbal approval today! Praise God for His faithfulness to us and thank you all for praying without ceasing! K is officially our daughter and we have to give God ALL the glory!

Our next steps include: waiting for written court orders (these are needed for her passport application) and waiting for her passport to be applied for by the orphanage director and received. Prayers for these LAST 2 STEPS to happen at record speed! Then we will be getting on that plane!!!!!

#weareofficiallyparents #indiaadoption #powerofprayer #pray4k #courtsagaisover #praisegod

This song has been on replay nonstop for me lately and now it rings true more than ever!!! It's a great one - check it out!