Friday, March 24, 2017

India is Calling..

Well everybody -

I CANNOT believe I am finally able to write this post after 3 very long and hard years of waiting. WE ARE GOING TO INDIA!!!!!!!!!!!! All the praise goes to Jesus for we could not have done this without faith & trust in Him,  His perfect timing, and His hand over the whole entire thing!!!!! 

So here is what is going on....

Since Feb. 15, when we received the written court orders, we have been anxiously awaiting K's passport. Week after week went by and then the Indian holiday, Holi came and went, and still no passport. But TODAY, Friday, March 24 we got news that her passport had arrived to the orphanage, complete with her cute but slightly awkward head shot in it! LOL 

Aside from a visa appt. that needs to be made by our agency with India, we are all set! This appt. will be confirmed on Monday or Tuesday and then some last minute paper work needs to be filled out and we should be booking our plane tickets for the first week of April!!!!

This gives us 1 week to pack and repack and pack again and to wrap up our old life as a family of 2! :) 

We are using an adoption travel agency to help get us there and we will have a guide with us the entire time we are in India. We will also be somewhat "Americanized" on our trip since we will be staying at a Marriott and Hilton - pray they have french fries and pizza! ;) But we are truly excited to experience the beauty and culture that India has to offer! 

Thank you guys for taking this journey with us and sticking with us through to the end. We are so excited to meet our little girl and share her beautiful smile with you all! 

*Don't forget to get your name on the map!!! Message me for info if you don't know what I am talking about! :)