Monday, April 28, 2014


It has been, what seems like forever, since I have last made a blog post. For the past seven weeks my plate has been COMPLETELY filled with school. This class really wore me out and consumed so much of my time. However, the Lord brought me through it, and I should get by with a pretty good grade (thank you to those who prayed!). With school occupying so much of my time, there were adoption things that had to be put on the back-burner for the time being. As frustrating as that was at times, it had to be done, being that, at the end of the day, the dossier (paperwork) is a "work-at-your-own-pace" process. But due to the fact my mind was focused on school, naturally I wasn't as focused on adoption. That may sound bad at first, but I've realized what a blessing that was. The Lord has confirmed on several occasions and in several different ways that adoption from Ethiopia was part of His plan for our lives. Today, He confirmed it to me in a new way. 

I tend to get stressed really easily (just ask Megan), which is a major downfall of mine......and Satan knows it. The past several weeks have been tough on a personal level for me. As I clicked "submit" for my final exam this evening, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders it felt like. My mind then veered towards adoption and I just started smiling. When I think about my kids that are somewhere in Ethiopia right now, it is an amazing feeling. That one thought takes away so many worries I have in my life. I start thinking about raising them in a Christian home, teaching them God's Word, taking family vacations, teaching them how to shoot a basketball or throw a baseball, etc etc etc. The Lord graciously places those thoughts in my mind, and I am beyond thankful for it. Those kids, wherever they are, are already being used by Christ to comfort and encourage me.....and they have no idea. That's crazy! 

Lately, there has also been some opposition or lack of support in regards to our adoption. Nothing extreme, but just some frustrating moments, which, in fact, we expected more of (most everyone has been awesome!). But the opposition is yet another way that Christ has confirmed this. I think if this was done on a whim, not thought through, and was just the "flavor of the week" thing to do back in December, our desire to adopt wouldn't be growing by the days. Although I wish everyone would understand it and be as excited as we are, some just aren't. The fact is that others may not give much support or may not be as excited if we told them "WE'RE PREGNANT!!!" At first thought, it's discouraging. However, I have chosen to look at it a different way. Jesus Christ died on the cross for us and chose to adopt us into His family when He didn't have to....yet that process is rejected by many. Jesus Christ, the King of kings, and the Lord or lords isn't exciting to people....what makes me think our adoption process will be (lol)?. Don't get me wrong, I am not placing what we are doing on a pedestal. The Lord calls different families to expand His kingdom in different ways. This is just something He's called us to do and we're just following His lead. Nonetheless, it puts things into perspective when you realize that His adoption process is rejected by MANY while ours is only rejected by some. 

Now that I have 7 weeks off from school, several things will get done throughout that time frame. Hopefully we will be able to provide some more updates. And let me say, and I truly mean this, thank you to those who have been so supportive and generous to us. Again, most everyone has, and it means so so so much! We read every comment people write to us on facebook and it is so encouraging. We also understand not everyone is active on social media, but still supports and prays for us. We thank you. We love you guys!


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Adoption Fundraiser-SAVE THE DATE!

Please Share With Your Friends & Family!  

All donations will be greatly appreciated and will be a HUGE blessing!
Thank You