Friday, June 19, 2015

We are APPROVED by India!

Hey guys!

Quick update on a couple of things......

We just got a call yesterday from our family coordinator at AWAA saying that CARA in India has looked over our home study and has approved us to adopt from their country! This is great news because now we can officially begin the search for our son or daughter-to-be!

Now we have to let AWAA know specific criteria we are looking for in a child. Once we do that, then our FC can begin looking on the CARA website each day to see if she can match us with a child or children!

When I mentioned specific criteria, that means we have to decide 1 or 2 children, boy or girl, age range, etc. This is especially difficult for us because we are so open to any child, so having to pin point is going to require a lot of PRAYER!

Good news is the India program doesn't really have a waiting list for referrals. This means that we could potentially be matched with a child or 2 by the end of the summer depending on if we find the right one.

It is so strange and foreign to us to think of searching for our child online like you would a house, but we are praying right now that God will make it known which child He wants for us. We are also praying for knowledge, patience, and peace. Easier said than done, I know! :)

So that is the update on the India progress! As for our fundraising efforts....we had a GREAT turn out last night at our Jamberry Adoption Fundraiser. Our online party will be available through midnight on June 23, so there is still time to order online! All proceeds are being donated to our adoption fund! Please check out the online store if you would like to help support us! Also - if you would like to host a Jamberry Nail Wrap Party with Melissa, 30% of all YOUR sales will donated back to our adoption as well.

Check out the online sale HERE!

A BIG thank you to all who came out last night and to Melissa for being such a generous & supportive friend!  :)

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