Monday, December 28, 2015

The NOC wait....

Here is a quick update for those following....

Last you heard we had accepted a referral for a 3 yr. old (now 4 yr. old) little girl. We sent our dossier (paperwork) over to the orphanage for their approval. They will then pass our dossier on to the NOC committee in India. The NOC committee meets once a week and consists of different staff and directors in CARA (Central Adoption Resource Authority). CARA will look at all of the family's dossier documents, referral documents, and approvals. There is no way to know how many dossiers are waiting in line for approval ahead of us. This NOC approval could take months to be completed which is why we do not have a time frame idea yet. Please pray for a quick and easy NOC approval for our family! 

Meanwhile, while we wait for our NOC approval, we are working on several other adoption "to-do's" on our end. Today, we applied with the U.S. Department of State for an Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration for little K so that we can bring her into the country. Please pray that our application will be processed quickly and that her visa will be approved!

We are also working on applying for a few grants to help out with our travel expenses when the time comes. The main grant that we are applying for is through Show Hope Organization. They only take a certain number of families based on their circumstances. Please pray if we are eligible, that we will receive a grant or grants to help with our India travel expenses! 

Lastly, we are brainstorming on India t-shirt design ideas so that we can have another t-shirt fundraiser. We are open to suggestions! We will also be hosting a final fundraiser dinner in the spring to raise the remaining funds needed to bring K home. If anyone has a connection with a venue, entertainment, food, etc in the Greensboro area, please email me at We would love to have our family and friends involved in this event. 

We have roughly about $12,000 left to raise for us to be done with our fees, travel expenses, court expenses, etc. The Lord has been faithful in providing for us so far in this adoption process through fundraisers, donations, savings, etc. and we know that He will see us to the end. Your prayers and support are greatly needed and appreciated in this final year of our process. We are one day closer to bringing little K home from across the world! Yay!

Love you all!

Ryan and Megan

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