Tuesday, July 19, 2016

It's the little things that count....

Well I wish I had a BIG "ALL CAPS" kind of update to give right now, but unfortunately I don't. :( 

However, I do want to publicly thank ALL OF YOU who have been praying this past week and checking up on us. You will never know how much your support means, especially during this hard and long ending stage. Just knowing that so many people in our community and in other cities are praying for K and thinking about her is just TOO awesome! One day when she is older and she reads this blog, I hope she is filled with immense gratitude and love for all the people who helped get her home!  

So anyways, back to my point of writing today.....

We do not have a court update as of now. We are still waiting and have not heard any news or progress yet. One might think it is as simple as going to court, passing, and then moving on. But with India, especially north, things are very "up in the air." The court site said that we had a hearing scheduled for July 11, but for all we know, they could have taken the day off or pushed it to another date. This is what we are trying to figure out. Hopefully no news is good news. But, we are still "guesstimating" to go get her by the fall of this year. That is our prayer!

But I do have a couple "little" updates that may brighten your day like it did ours. 

The past few months, we have received some updated pics/videos of K, one in particular of her holding a baby doll and attempting to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in English. It was PRECIOUS! And at the end of the video, she says "Mama, Papa...I love you."  I mean what are they trying to kill me haha Bring on the kleenex! It was the sweetest thing ever and we have watched it about a thousand times. She is beautiful and has the tiniest little voice. So, that was a blessing to get see more of her personality! 

Another cool update is that we have sold most of our India t-shirts and have raised roughly $1,500 from this fundraiser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are so awesome, like that amount is insane! So we will be adding that to our travel fund and use it to go towards the purchase of a plane ticket to India. This fundraiser could have been just semi-succeful, but God orchestrated it all and with the help of everyone who purchased a shirt, we were able to get one step closer to meeting our goal! Thank you! 

I will post another update as soon as I hear one! Keep praying......God hears us! We almost have our baby girl home! 
K singing and holding her baby doll. Look at those cute feet!

- Megan xoxo

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