Friday, November 18, 2016

Slowly, but surely..

Here we are mid November, holidays approaching, and our case is still sitting in court. We had a court hearing on November 11, but did not pass at that time and another hearing was scheduled for January. :( We were devastated & upset. But with the help of our agency and the advocate (lawyer) working on our case, they were able to move our next hearing up to December 10.

For those confused by this court process, welcome to the club! Who knows why the judge needs to have so many hearings before finalizing our case? Who knows what they do at each hearing? Why is this dragging on? I wish I knew the answers to those questions! 

We were registered for court in April, 1st hearing was in June, and we are approaching hearing #5 in December (insert eye roll). Good news is we are going to be able to send a letter to the judge expressing our strong desire to adopt K and how eager we are to provide a home for her, etc, etc (we could write a book at this point on how much we love this child we have never met). But hopefully a letter will help....

So for now - please pray that our letter will be well received by the judge, that the court will see our case on Dec. 10, and of course that we would pass court very soon so that K can be legally be ours!

I have begged and pleaded with the Lord, as has Ryan, that we would get to India before the year ends. While that looks pretty impossible, we still know that our God continues to work in ways we do not see or understand and can do the IMPOSSIBLE. For nothing will be impossible with God. - Luke 1:37 #letfaitharise

As for this wait - I do not wish this on can bring very dark days! But the minute I get a glimpse of my sweet girls face or a video of her doing something as simple as eating her dinner, it brings me PURE JOY!

So I know without a doubt that this wait will be SO WORTH IT when we get to hold her in our arms! p.s. We have had the privilege of seeing several families come home from India this month with their child - God is moving! 

Thank you all for praying, checking on us, supporting us, and so much more.

Pray for our hearts and K's heart as we continue our wait. It's coming to an end y'all, I can feel it!

xoxo Megan

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