Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Happy Heart

Wow! This experience so far has been awesome and exciting. For one thing, after finally letting our family, friends, co-workers, and the rest of the facebook world in on our exciting news, we have definitely "FELT THE LOVE"! I am so amazed at how wonderful everyone has been to us with so many encouraging and positive comments. Thank you to all who have shown us support! It really lifts our spirits on days when the paper work and the stress overtakes us. Which brings me to my next update...we have begun working on our dossier (ENORMOUS packet of paperwork, forms, appointments, and screenings that are required to adopt). It is very overwhelming and so much to keep track of, but we keep organized with our increased usage of "post-it" notes! :) So far, everything has been pretty easy...physical exams have been scheduled, passports ordered, and we get to meet with our Home Study social worker this coming Friday!

Please continue to pray for us and that we don't spill tea on any important documents or lose our minds in the piles of papers and fees! We still have complete faith and trust in Him!

Thanks again for all the <3 

P.S. Check out our 1st gifts for our future boys.....Adoption Keepsake Books. These are the equivalent to a "Baby Book," but for older children. It has pages for "Before We Knew You, The Adoption Process, Growing With You, and Our Family After You." They are even customized with our name! These books will be a great way for our future children to feel special and know they are a part of our family. These books can be found at Thanks Aunt Steffie & Uncle Jeffie! :)

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited to be a part of this journey! I can't hardly sleep some nights, knowing my nephews are probably out there somewhere right now. We are so happy for you both and I hate to rush time, but I am ready to meet these boys! :) xoxo


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