Friday, March 14, 2014

Productive Week!

This week has been very busy, but we have gotten more papers completed for our Dossier! It can be very overwhelming trying to get organized and plan how you are going to get all of the paperwork done. At first I thought, "Oh this should be easy, we will just work on it every night!" HAH! Apparently I forgot about work, activities, chores, and Life! So as hard as it is...building our dossier is taking time and we have learned it cannot be rushed. Off our checklist this week, we have completed our employment verification letters, scheduled our meeting with our Home Study social worker, had our doctor complete our physical exam forms, and received our birth & marriage certificates! Sure that sounds like pretty simple stuff, but when you have to schedule doctors appointments, meet with human resource people at work, coordinate with UPS, and arrange for everything to be is so NOT simple! BUT, I am not complaining one bit because God was so present this week allowing all appointments, phone calls, emails, and work schedules to go perfect! I was so happy because several things could have went wrong or been delayed and they weren't!

Now it's Friday, Sunny, and time for FUN! Have a great weekend everyone! :)

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